Hyperpigmentation Treatment: Seeing Beyond Concealers for Luminous Skin


In every conversation about self-care, skincare is always the biggest elephant in the room without always going in the intended direction. All the different remedies from the granny’s cauldron fall short of giving back the skin’s glory because none seems a ‘one-fit-for-all’ solution. Skincare is a subjective mechanism, and so should be how it is treated. It proves truer for more formidable skin situations like pigmentation. The quest for the most effective hyperpigmentation treatment is never-ending when what spawns it is unclear. 

Pigmentation spots, age spots, or dark spots- regardless of what you may call them- always lure people’s roving eyes to themselves. Consequently, concealers are layered and blended on a specific dark area. It is a real hitch when all one desires is an age-defying beauty. However, one needs to understand the skin problem and the potential paths to getting rid of it. 

Compelling Causes of Hyperpigmentation

Every skin problem comes with an archetypal solution; Hyperpigmentation isn’t far behind in the race. While laser treatments are one of the most suitable solutions to something as rigid as these dark spots, it’s always recommended to identify the cause-and-effect relationship, significantly reducing the chances of any permanent damage that any wrong pigmentation treatment could do to a skin. 

While we are fiddling with the ABCs of this highly common skin problem, here is what usually causes it to appear in the majority:

UV Rays

Pigmentation or dark patches typically occur when the skin’s melanin production increases from its usual range courtesy of a discrepancy in the melanin-producing cells. Amongst several other reasons causing this disorder, exposure to sun rays is the most common one. A skin’s efficiency of producing melanin in appropriate quantities ensures protection from UV rays. With no added protection from the sunlight like the application of sunscreen on the skin, these harmful rays trigger the overproduction of melanin, hence becoming the reason behind dark spots on any part of the skin. 

Nutritional Deficiencies & Hormones

Everything is connected inside our body and has a lot to do with how skin appears throughout an individual’s life course. Hence nutritional deficiencies as another recurring factor behind hyperpigmentation. Deficiencies like iron or Vitamin B12 stimulate the appearance of pigmentation spots. Also, hormones play a major role in colluding to these spots refusing to leave the skin. 

Age &/or Medical Condition

When we talk about hormones, next comes age- the most inevitable factor causing hyperpigmentation. As the melanin-distributing agent Melanocytes decreases with age, dark spots tend to happen. Certain medical conditions like liver inflammation or insulin-resistant diseases contribute to these stubborn spots appearing on the skin.  

Now that the most prominent causes behind these dark spots are known, it’s safe to assume that hyperpigmentation treatment is more multifaceted than one universal solution applied to every skin type. 

Hyperpigmentation treatment: The usual & the unusual

Treating these dark patches feels like an uphill battle. But the answer lies in knowing the condition causing it and fixing it. Beyond the usual CTM routine, paying extra attention to other options could work in curing or minimizing the damage caused by pigmentation. Here are a few therapy options that could work reliant on how much the condition has progressed:

Skin Lightening facials

A range of skin whitening treatments prevail and help improve the dark patches over the skin. Knowing & visiting the right experts who understand the problem can recommend skin-lightening options such as microdermabrasion or Hydroquinone to rejuvenate the skin cells and restore their functioning. They come with the potential to reduce the impact of medications leaving behind hyperpigmentation in the long run. 

Acid/Enzyme Peel Offs

Peel offs and exfoliation become essential to include in daily skin regimens, with age becoming a factor behind pigmentation spots. Knowing which one would suit your skin might take an expert’s opinion and consultation for the best results. 

Deep Skin Therapy

Pigmented spots appear unevenly on the skin and could potentially distort a person’s appearance. In the quest to improve skin and bring back the glow, deep skin therapy could help. 

Every skin tells a story. To build back the foundation for better days of glow, comprehending it right needs expertise that goes beyond the usual Retinoids, laser therapy, laser peel, and more. So the next time you try to hide it with a concealer, know the right treatments to embrace with the best experts like Anoos, with advanced expertise and vast industry knowledge to clinically treat skin problems like uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation with their US-FDA-approved dermatological procedures like Glutathion IVR, Deep Skin Therapy, IPL- Photo Facials, Skin Whitening treatments and more. With an in-house skin clinic alongside a salon, they give the best consultation to identify skin-friendly options for curing difficult dermatological conditions.