Dos and Don’ts After Hair Regrowth Treatment: Your Guide to Maintaining Luscious Locks


Embarking on a journey to regain a lush mane through hair regrowth treatment is an exciting step towards renewed confidence and beauty. At Anoo’s®, we understand the pain points you may have experienced with hair loss, and we are here to guide you through the essential dos and don’ts after your hair regrowth treatment. Our commitment to providing advanced, expert-driven solutions has made us the largest fully women-owned company in South India. Let’s delve into the key steps to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your hair regrowth treatment.


Dos After Hair Regrowth Treatment:


  1. Exfoliation for a Healthy Scalp: Gently exfoliate your scalp using a mild, sulfate-free shampoo to remove excess product buildup and maintain a healthy environment for hair growth. A clean scalp allows your follicles to breathe and absorb nutrients effectively.


  1. Scientific Combing: Invest in a wide-toothed comb with rounded edges to avoid unnecessary hair breakage. Comb your hair with care, starting from the tips and gradually working your way up to prevent strain on the roots.


  1. Hydration is Key: Keep your body and scalp hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water daily. A well-hydrated scalp supports the transport of essential nutrients to your hair follicles, promoting healthy growth.


  1. Active Ingredient Penetration: If your treatment involves topical applications, diligently follow the recommended usage guidelines. Allow the active ingredients to penetrate the scalp for the specified duration before rinsing or styling your hair.


  1. Low Light Laser Maintenance: If you’ve undergone low light laser therapy, ensure regular maintenance sessions as advised by our experts. Consistency in these sessions can contribute to the optimal effectiveness of your hair regrowth treatment.


  1. MLD Massage & Mask: If your treatment includes MLD massage and mask, continue to indulge in these therapeutic sessions to enhance blood circulation and rejuvenate your scalp.


Don’ts After Hair Regrowth Treatment:


  1. Avoid Heat Styling: Refrain from excessive heat styling, such as blow-drying, curling, or straightening your hair. Heat can weaken the hair shaft and lead to breakage, counteracting the benefits of your regrowth treatment.


  1. Say No to Chemical Treatments: Steer clear of harsh chemical treatments like perms, relaxers, and colorants. These can weaken your hair and interfere with the regrowth process.


  1. Overwashing and Overbrushing: Resist the urge to wash your hair daily, as this can strip away natural oils. Similarly, avoid overbrushing, especially when your hair is wet, to prevent unnecessary stress on your scalp.


  1. Tight Hairstyles: Avoid tight hairstyles that pull on your hair, such as tight ponytails or braids. Opt for loose styles that minimize tension on your roots.


  1. Excessive Sun Exposure: Shield your hair from prolonged sun exposure by wearing a hat or using a UV-protective spray. Sun damage can lead to dryness and weaken your hair strands.


  1. Skipping Maintenance Appointments: Regular maintenance appointments with our specialists are crucial to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments. Take advantage of these appointments for the best results.


Take a Hair Test:


Our highly trained team of specialists at Anoo’s® is dedicated to helping you achieve the hair of your dreams. Through a comprehensive hair test, we will analyze your scalp, hair, and roots to determine the most suitable treatment plan for you. Contact Anoo’s® today to book your hair test and embark on your journey to beautiful, healthy hair.


Experience Our USP:


At Anoo’s®, we pride ourselves on offering advanced, economical, and customized solutions that deliver promised results. Our expert support and unwavering commitment to your satisfaction set us apart as the go-to destination for comprehensive hair-regrowth treatments.


Your hair regrowth journey is a partnership between you and Anoo’s®. By adhering to these dos and don’ts, you can maximize the benefits of your treatment and enjoy the radiant, voluminous hair you deserve. Contact us today to book an appointment and take the first step towards a revitalized you.